What to Expect - Week #2, Season 24
For Week #2, June 11, of the 2020 FACSAP Summer Harvest, we anticipate the following this Thursday:
BLENHEIM ORGANIC GARDENS - Lawrence and Becky Latané
Elephant Garlic
White Sweet Potatoes
HARTLAND NATURAL FARM - Esteban Cabrera & Matz Groschel
Red Lettuce
Red Beets
GUERRA FARM - José Antonio Guerra Martinez
Swiss Chard
Available for bulk purchase outside this week’s Share, José Antonio will have:
Thyme herb in pots for your home garden -- $10 each
Pre-order by Thursday 11 a.m. recommended.
José Antonio, joseantonioguerra56@gmail.com
Green Thumb Growers will not have a delivery for the June 11, 2020 distribution of the Fredericksburg Area CSA Project at the Walker Grant Center. I anticipate we will have Kale (Lark’s Tongue) in 4 oz bunches ready for next week.
No harvest this week.
BLASQUEZ GARDENS – Christien Conniff
No harvest this week.
Available for direct purchase outside this week’s Share, Francis will have:
Fresh Oyster Mushrooms – $10 per pound
Microgreens Mix - $10 per 4oz clamshell container
Garlic Bulbs $2 for 4 large bulbs or 5 medium bulbs
Garlic Scapes $2 per bag
Pre-order by Thursday 11 a.m. recommended.
Francis Ngoh, fengoh2010@gmail.com
CHARIS FARM & HOMESTEAD – Jen Ferinde & Family
SUMMER EGG SHARES now available! To sign up, go to the FACSAP website Side Share page. Pastured, organically-produced, soy-free, hand-gathered Chicken Eggs $8 per dozen. We will have 10 dozen eggs for sale this week and online orders are encouraged. Looking forward to another great Thursday!
Pre-order by Thursday 11 a.m. recommended.
Jen Ferinde, wilferinde@hotmail.com
ALL THINGS FARM – Rebecca Bracewell & Wendy Williams
FRESH CUT FLOWER SHARES now available! First delivery is this week. Shares still available! To reserve your share:
Send an email right away to rebeccabracewell1981@hotmail.com.
Print the form from the FACSAP website Side Share page.
Bring your completed form and payment on Thursday and give to Becky.
GOLDEN ACRES ORCHARD – John Thomson & Mrs. Scottie Thomson
APPLE JUICE SHARES scheduled for delivery June 25! To reserve your share:
Send an email right away to info@fredericksburgCSA.com.
Print the form from the FACSAP website Side Share page.
Bring your completed form and payment on Thursday and give to a FACSAP volunteer.
THERIANOS FAMILY ORGANIC FARM – Dimitris Therianos & Family
OLIVE OIL SHARES available in June! To reserve your share:
Send an email right away to dimitristherianos@gmail.com, with «FACSAP Olive Oil Share» in the subject line, with a cc to stavroula@startmail.com.
Print the form from the FACSAP website Side Share page.
Bring your completed form on Thursday and give to a FACSAP volunteer. Payment is due when Olive Oil Share is picked up.
Honey coming later this summer!
FOLK CITY SOAP – Heidi Lewis
I have ordered the supplies for this year’s soap bars, to be made especially for FACSAP members. I'll have both lavender and litsea soap this year, and have also ordered some other essential oils to blend together, including clary sage, ylang ylang, and basil.
Kickshaw’s Gluten-Free Bakery will not offer Bread Shares this season. We are happy to fill any orders placed for folks for either home delivery or pickup at the farmers markets. Place your order via the website: www.kickshawsfxbg.com
FACSAP WEBSITE UPDATE: Check out the newest upload to the 'What is CSA?' section of the website. From the first three pages of the introduction to the book titled Farming While Black: Soul Fire Farm's Practical Guide to Liberation of the Land by educator / farmer /mother / food justice activist Leah Penniman, we learn about Dr. Booker T. Whatley and his many contributions to sustainable farming in the early part of the 20th century, including the concept of subscription buyer's club for small farmers—what we now call CSA. An article online at Mother Earth News that briefly discusses this topic of forgotten history, is included in the link on the website, along with a note about Dr. Whatley.
See also the «Our Farmers» page for additional updates on this year’s growers.